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500 Terry Francois St.
San Francisco, CA 94158
Tel: 123-456-7890
Fax: 123-456-7890

About us (Basic Doctrine)
1. Jesus is the truth the life and the way. As the everlsting son of God he came to earth through the virgin birth as the son of man; fulfilled all the law and
prophesy, was crucified for the sin of the world and rose from the dead on the third day.
2. Jesus came to seek and redeem humanity, a mission he fullfilled by declaring 'it is finished' on the cross. It was through his belief not ours.
3. The Gospel (good news) of Grace (unmerited favor) and Peace (between God and man) is essential in our beliefs.
4. We believe in one God, three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
5. All humanity was placed In Christ at the cross and given Redemption, Righteousness, Sanctification, Wisdom and more.
6. While Redemption is finished Salvation is an ongoing process for the soul.
7. Self-righteousness is the biggest deterrent in understanding the Gospel. We were Redeemed and live by the faith of Christ and his Righteousness.
8. There is no biblical Hell, no judgment from God, a fulfilled law and therefore no sinners in the world as far as God is concerned.
9. The second comming (end times, last day, end of the world) happened at the resurrection so there is no future tribulation period.
10. Finding out the truth about the Gospel and choosing the believe it activates our knowledge that our identity changed at the cross from children that
have a sin nature to Sons of God, (we were born again) a new species that cannot sin as far as God is concerned.
11. The Law, Psalms and Prophets are called Scripture and are used for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness. For the first 1500 years
after the cross new gospel truths were rare until Martin Luthers 95 Thesis about 500 years ago. We believe amazing revelations of the Scriptures are being
revealed to the world now and it's about time as it's been 500 years since the last revival of scriptural truth. Religion with it's what YOU do that get's you
something from God has been a huge step backwards into darkness.
12. The Gospel of Grace and Peace is the Power of God and will change the world when people understand it and believe it. It is mostly opposite to the
teachings of modern day religion. It is not only an elect few (remenant) that follow some specific requirement that end up in heaven but all were excluded
from any requirement so all could be included in the gift of etenal life. Jesus was the remenant and met all the requirements for us. God's intent was to
grant us freedom, make us his friends, part of the family, allowing every human being to rise to their greatest level of self-respect and self-worth through
the Gospel of Christ. Believe the good news.